Zen Buddhist Temple-New York City opened its door to the public in 2014 after three years of intensive renovation of the building on 206 E. 63rd Street in Manhattan. The mission to found a temple in New York City began November 2007 by renting an apartment in the China Town. We moved around from China Town to Brooklyn to Chelsea before the current temple building was purchased in March 2011. Founding teacher, the Venerable Samu Sunim dedicated tirelessly to the search and supervision of the renovation. Dharma teacher Soyong Timothy Niewold conducts the Sunday public services and teach the meditation course.
The Sunday morning meditation service takes place at 10:30 am (you may arrive between 10 and 10:30 am). Your donation is very much needed and appreciated ($10 suggested donation).
The temple offers Temple Residency for people who want to spend some time living in the temple to cultivate their practice. The residents participate in temple programs in the mornings and/or evenings while maintaining their job or studies.
Public Service
Sundays at 10:30 am
Member's Practice
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Introductory Meditation Course starts Tues. January 14 at 7 pm
2-Day Meditation Retreat
March 21-23 (Fri. 7 pm to Sun. 9 am)
Farm Retreats
March 3-8; April 7-12

Sit still and concentrate

NYC Zen Buddhist Temple July 2015

Group Photo after the Summer Yongmaeng Jeongjin

First Yongmaeng Jeongjin retreat was held June 2014

Sunim moving his library in the midst of renovation

Toan and Jeongdo working on the temple facade

Taking down the ceiling of the 2nd floor (current Retreat Center)

The first floor (current Buddha Hall) in August 2011

A Makeshift meditation space in the midst of renovation

Sunim and Toan right after the purchase of the building,