Sunday Morning Meditation Service
10 to 11:30 am at Chicago/Toronto/Ann Arbor
10:30 to noon at NYC
9:30 to 11 am at Mexico City
The Sunday Morning Public Meditation Service consists of two 25-minute meditation periods, chanting and a Dharma Talk.
After the first meditation we stretch and stand up to chant and recite the Three Refuges. After the second sitting, a teacher (priests, lay Dharma teachers, Dharma students or senior members) give a Dharma talk.
After the service, please plan to stay for tea or any special gathering.
You can sit on a mat and cushion or a chair, whichever is more comfortable.
Your donation will be greatly appreciated.
Listen to the Sunday morning chant "Three Refuges"

FAQ 1. Do I need to make a reservation to attend your Sunday service?
No. You can just show up for the service. It would be good if you can arrive a little earlier for stretching, tea or bathroom.
FAQ 2. Do you have a dress code?
You should wear comfortable, loose-fitting pants for sitting and stretching. Anything which might distract others should be avoided such as perfume, noisy clothing etc. During cold months, please wear layers. You will be asked to remove your shoes at the door.
FAQ 3. Is there a fee to attend the service?
No. However, your donation will be greatly appreciated. A $5 to $10 donation might be appropriate. All your donations will be used to keep the temple door open to anyone who wishes to learn Buddhism and meditation.
FAQ 4. I don't know how to meditate. Can I still attend the service?
Yes, you can just enjoy the quiet atmosphere of the temple and be attuned with your breath, body and mind-heart. If you wish to learn how to meditate, you can take the Introductory Meditation Course.
FAQ 5. I am a student working on a paper on Buddhism. Can I attend your service?
You are welcome to join our Sunday service. Please refrain from taking notes or pictures during the service because it will be distracting to other meditators.
FAQ 6. I work on Sundays. Do you have any other day I can come to check out the temple?
Our weekday services are open only to temple members. You may like to check out other local Buddhist groups' practice schedule. If you wish to drop by during the week, please make an appointment by contacting the temple. Temple membership is available for those who have completed the Introductory Meditation Course.
FAQ 7. Do you provide chair for those who can't sit still on the cushion?
Yes, we have chairs for the service. You can sit on a mat and cushion or a chair, whichever enables you to sit still and comfortable for 25 minute.

Sunday Afternoon Dharma Service
4 to 5:30 pm at Ann Arbor (1st & 3rd Sundays)
The Sunday afternoon Dharma Service consists of chanting, contemplation as well as sitting meditation and/or walking meditation. At the end of the Dharma service the teachers take questions. After the service, please plan to stay for tea and conversation.
Listen to the Sunday afternoon chant "Three Refuges"